
Here, we will present the list of speakers and moderators with a short bio sketch in alphabetical order to give you an overview about their individual field of expertise.

Last update: September 07, 2024

I am a researcher and head of the working group Microbiome Management at the Department of Microbiome Biotechnology, Leibniz Institute of Agriculture engineering and Bio-economy (ATB), Potsdam. Microbiome management working group focuses on the assembly, interaction, and function of the microbiome of environmental and natural ecosystems. I was a Marie Curie Fellow at Graz University of technology (TU Graz) with the project applebiome (https://applebiome.com/), a former postdoc at Stockholm University, and Mediterranean University of Reggio Calabria. I received my doctoral degree in 2016 from Palermo University, in Agro-forestry sciences. I am focused on understanding how plant-associated microbes are transmitted
between generations and how global change may influence their community composition. The main goals of Microbiome Management are to understanding the interlinked effects of the microbiome in circular bio economy; Developing microbiome-based products and microbiome management strategies; and establishing integrative, eco-evolutionary understanding of microbiomes for sustainable future.
ATANASOVA, Aleksandra
is a doctoral researcher at Freie Universität Berlin (FUB) Veterenary medicine Faculty and PhD representative at the Leibniz Institute for Agricultural Engineering and Bioeconomy (ATB, Potsdam). She graduated in Microbiology and Genetic Engineering from the University of Chemical Technology, Prague (2021).
Since 2022, she involves in ENVIRE project (https://www.envire-project.de/). This research focuses on Antimicrobial Resistance in broiler farms. There are different intervention studies such as Antibiotic-free chicken raising, Phytotherapy as alternative for antibiotics or treatment or storage of manure that is a research question from the project in ATB.
BASAVEGOWDA , Deepak Hanike
is a doctoral researcher in Engineering Sciences with a secondary in Data Science at the Leibniz Institute for Agricultural Engineering and Bioeconomy (ATB, Potsdam) and TU Berlin. After completing his post-graduate studies in Mechatronics at the University of Siegen, he started working as a research fellow under Prof. Dr.-Ing. Cornelia Weltzien in the Department of Agromechatronics at ATB, Potsdam.
His research focuses on the application of geospatial technologies and artificial intelligence (AI) for the autonomous monitoring of agricultural landscapes, with a focus on the conservation and restoration of biodiversity in agricultural ecosystems. In his Ph.D. thesis, he is working on the development of a semi-autonomous monitoring system using drones and deep learning to monitor biodiversity in grassland habitats. He is qualified and experienced in image data analysis, remote sensing, and predictive and generative AI.
BAYSINGER, Mackenzie Rae
is a geosciences student (PhD) studying high-latitude biogeochemical cycling. Her thesis combines field measurements and laboratory experiments to better understand how these wetland systems sequester carbon, with a focus on peatland and permafrost habitats
BEYERL, Katharina
is a psychologist with focus on environmental psychology. She holds a doctorate in Geography from Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Since 2012, she has been working at the Research Institute for Sustainability – Helmholtz-Centre Potsdam RIFS (formerly IASS), Germany. Her research focuses on perceptions of the socio-ecological crisis and coping strategies to support a transition to more sustainable lifestyles. Since 2022, she has been leading the junior research group "Social, economic and ecological effects of participatory, sustainable food production" [pane] at the Technische Universität Berlin and the RIFS. The [pane]-project is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). The aim of the junior research group is to scientifically accompany fifteen community-supported agriculture initiatives in structurally weak, rural regions of Germany in a transdisciplinary approach to investigate the impacts on individuals, communities and nature.
My research plans are basic concepts and developing new conceptual and methodological frameworks to solve environmental problems in a changing world (from nature domination to human domination). As a landscape ecologist (PhD), I investigate complex relationships between landscape patterns, processes, and services in the socio-ecological systems as an Integrated Hierarchical Landscape Services (IHLS). My research perspective is based on landscape complexity management in a holistic and integrated manner to design landscape composition and configuration to identify how and where should be protected or managed. This approach can help us enhance biodiversity and be dynamic against future changes such as land use and climate change and their effect on biodiversity distribution”

FOURNIER, Bertrand
is a Junior Professor at the University of Potsdam, where he has been leading the Landscape Ecology Group since 2020. The aim of his research is to uncover the underlying mechanisms that shape the spatial and temporal patterns of biodiversity within anthropogenic landscapes, including urban environments, agricultural areas, and restored ecosystems. By focusing on these human-influenced landscapes, he aims to shed light on how human activities impact biodiversity and ecosystem functioning to inform conservation efforts and land management strategies, ensuring the preservation and restoration of biodiversity for future generations.
an Amazonian anthropologist, is currently pursuing her PhD at the Philipps University of Marburg and the Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology in Germany. Additionally, she specializes in peritaje antropológico (anthropological legal expertise) at the Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar in Quito. Her doctoral research is situated within Environmental Anthropology, Anthropology of Nature, and Legal Anthropology. It aims to contribute to the pursuit of an ecocentric legal system in the Amazon and the recognition of the rights of natural entities. Through her anthropological work, Jenny engages in collaborative creative research with the Kichwa People of Sarayaku in the Ecuadorian Amazon, as well as in the intercultural translation of rights of Nature to Europe.
Currently, she serves as a research assistant in the “Amazon of Rights” (AMoR) project. This project compares legal frameworks across the Amazons regions and utilizes regimes of visuality as a method of juridical inquiry. For more: https://www.eth.mpg.de/garciaruales
studied Political Science and Sociology in Stuttgart (Germany) and Florence (Italy), and holds a PhD in Sociology. Her research focuses on understanding and strengthening the transformative potentials of entrepreneurship. She works as a facilitator at the international level, bringing together decision-makers and researchers in order to bridge the gap between knowledge and action.

At the RIFS, she is involved in both transformation research and transformative research that examines the efforts of entrepreneurs to become responsible actors in the eco-social-system and explores opportunities to support the co-creation of responsible solutions by entrepreneurs, policymakers and scientists.
HOFFMANN, Tuany Gabriela
is graduated in Chemical Engineering from the University of Blumenau - FURB (2017). She holds a master's degree in Chemical Engineering from the same university (2019) and a specialization in Food Safety Management from the SENAC/SP University Center (2019). She worked in the food industry for two years and as a researcher engineer and adjunct professor at the University of Blumenau (FURB), conducting research in the areas of food preservation, refrigeration systems, and technological packaging. Currently, she is a PhD researcher at Humboldt University of Berlin and scientist and PhD representative at the Leibniz Institute for Agricultural Engineering and Bioeconomy e.V. (ATB) in the Department System Process Engineering. She is also a committee member of the Young Professionals Network of the European Society of Agricultural Engineers.

LADU, Luana
is the coordinator of the STAR4BBS project. She is a senior research Fellow at the Chair of Innovation Economics of the Technische Universität Berlin (TUB) and at the department of Digitalization of Quality Infrastructure at the Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM). She conducts research in the field of innovation economics and sustainability focusing on sustainability assessment, standardization, conformity assessment and regulation. She is involved in the implementation of different horizon projects aimed to facilitate the transition to a sustainable circular bio-based economy. Before joining TUB and BAM, she worked in the field of international development, with a focus on education & labour market reforms, digitalization and ICT for development. She holds a PhD in Economics from the Technische Universität Berlin (Germany), a M. Sc. in Economics from UFBA (Brazil) and a Degree in Law and Business Administration (Master equivalent) from Bocconi University (Italy).
LENNERT, Florian
is the current Klaus Töpfer Sustainability Fellow at RIFS. He is also an expert on sustainable innovation and development and advises research institutions, governments, municipalities, businesses, and technology ventures internationally. He is a co-founder of Disrupting Mobility and was Head of Mobility at NEOM from 2019-2023, where he led on overall regional development, mobility strategy, and transportation systems. Prior to this, he co-led the Innovation Center for Mobility and Societal Change (InnoZ), focusing on sustainable urban innovation in connection with the EUREF Campus, a smart city district and living lab for smart mobility, renewable energy, and future city design in Berlin.

Florian is a member of the advisory boards of the Austrian Ministry for Mobility, Climate, Technology, Energy and Environment and of Volocopter. He served as chair of the European Commission expert group for smart mobility systems and services and as a member of the EU Commission expert assembly on smart and sustainable cities. Previously, Florian co-founded the Grantham Research Institute for Climate and Environment and the Centre for the Analysis of Risk and Regulation at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE).
MATAVEL, Custodio Efraim
is a researcher at the Leibniz Institute for Agricultural Engineering and Bioeconomy (ATB) in Potsdam. He holds a PhD in Agricultural Sciences from Humboldt University of Berlin. Custodio is actively involved in the DigiMix-PA project, which focuses on implementing knowledge-based precision agriculture in mixed farming systems. His work focuses on the economics of digitalization in agriculture, analyzing the cost-effectiveness and economic impacts of adopting digital technologies. He contributes to the "Digitalization for Agroecology" (D4AgEcol) project, which seeks to facilitate the transition to agroecological farming by identifying suitable digital tools and technologies and suggesting measures to optimize their potential for sustainable food and agricultural systems. By collaborating with partners across Europe, Custodio evaluates the role of digital technologies in advancing agroecology, considering ecological, economic, and social perspectives.

MERCHÁN, Cristina
also known as Miti Miti, is an illustrator, drawer, and graphic designer born in Cuenca, Ecuador. She studied Graphic Design at the University of Cuenca, eventually shifting her focus to illustration and comics, working independently under her brand Miti Miti since 2016. She has collaborated with brands such as Radio Ambulante, Güitig, Adidas, Betero, Fundación SENDAS, Hillstar Films, La Suprema Estación, Municipio de Cuenca, Universidad del Azuay, among others. Her work has been featured in publications such as Brígida (a comic magazine made by women) in Chile, and “Guillermo,” her first self-published comic. In her individual work, she often speaks about personal experiences and identifies with themes that are representative of Ecuador.
is a senior researcher at the Institute for Evolutionary Ecology NAS Ukraine, Kyiv.

Her field of research is biodiversity, ecology and ecosystem evolution, plant invasions, landscape ecology, environmental conservation, management, urban green infrastructure, forests, sustainability, air pollution and climate change interactions. Her PhD study was on the impact of air pollution on pine forests (2011) with the Institute of Agroecology and Nature Management NAS Ukraine, Kyiv. Currently she is leading a project at the Institute for Evolutionary Ecology NAS Ukraine "Bio-indication assessment of the state park ecosystems in conditions of urbanization" (2022-2026). She was a Fellow at the Research Institute for Sustainability (RIFS) from Sep 2022 until December 2023 where she focused to assess the state of green infrastructure (park ecosystems and plant diversity) in cities in Germany (Würzburg, Berlin) and Ukraine (Kyiv, Vinnitsa, Chernihiv) depending on air quality (traffic flow), degree of urbanisation, climate change, effects of war Russia and Ukraine 2022 to sustainable development. She studies and compares changes in urban green infrastructure in terms of proportion, quality (health of park ecosystems) and structure under different conditions of urbanisation, traffic and climate change impacts that affect the ability to perform ecosystem services, in particular biodiversity conservation.
OHSE, Bettina
is a research fellow at the University of Potsdam with a focus on forest ecosystem dynamics. In her current research, she combines disturbance ecology and functional biodiversity research to quantify long-term variations in biodiversity and ecosystem function in temperate forests. She is fascinated by trees as very long-lived organisms that face a multitude of challenges across their life-time, such as climate change, herbivory, natural disturbances, or impacts from forest management. Several of her projects relate to improving species conservation and forest resilience. She has experience working in remote areas, designing and leading field-experiments, as well as applying big-data synthesis. Bettina studied at the Universities of Greifswald (Germany) and Fairbanks (Alaska/USA) and holds a MSc degree in Landscape Ecology and Nature Conservation. She received her PhD from the University of Leipzig and held Postdoc positions at the Leuphana University Lueneburg and at the German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv). Her research has been reported on public broadcasting and in the international press. She also founded a nature education NGO in Germany and a Nature School in Estonia.
ROSSI, Giacomo
is a doctoral researcher at the Leibniz Institute for Agriculture Engineering and Bio-economy (ATB) in Potsdam. After completing a Master program on Food technology and Biotechnology at the University of Perugia in Italy, he has been involved in a 6-months Erasmus internship at Wageningen University (the Netherlands), during which he developed an innovative system for high precision counting of insects’ eggs. In 2019 he started his PhD program with focus on the evaluation of quality and safety of edible insects reared for feed purposes. His research focus on the use of edible insects in the modern food and feed sector, touching several fields, from the cultivation of insects on alternative substrate to processing and extraction of valuable compounds. He is also active on the study of insect-mediated waste bioconversion as well as on the evaluation of the environmental impact of edible insects.
is the Director of the Research Topic ‘Landscapes of the Future’ at the German Centre for Geosciences (GFZ) Potsdam which seeks to understand the processes that drive landscape evolution over geologic time, under climatic and anthropogenic pressure.
He leads the Organic Surface Geochemistry Lab at GFZ. This group determines the regional impact of abrupt climate change in the recent geological past (since the last Ice Age) and quantifies how surface processes and anthropogenic activities have and will affect the terrestrial carbon cycle. He is interested in transferring this knowledge towards developing carbon sustainable landscapes of the future.
Dirk Sachse studied Geology at the University of Jena, Germany and the Universidad de Granada, Spain. He holds a PhD from the Max-Planck Institute for Bio-Geochemistry and the University of Jena. As a Feodor-Lynen Fellow of the Alexander-von-Humboldt Foundation he worked at MIT and the University of Washington in Seattle.
received his Ph.D. in food technology at the Berlin University of Technology and received his habilitation in food technology 2019 at the Dresden University of Technology. Since 2003, he is a senior scientist at the Leibniz Institute for Agricultural Engineering and Bioeconomy (ATB). Dr Schlüter is spokesperson of the ATB program area on healthy foods, designated vice-head of the department of systems process engineering and head of the ATB microbiology lab. He is adjunct professor at the University of Bologna and he is supervising PhD students, Master students and Bachelor students. The research in his working group on bio-efficient food processing focuses on emerging technologies in primary food production and food processing, including non-destructive quality and safety monitoring. Among others, Dr. Schlüter is the Chair of the Technical Board of CIGR Section VI: Bioprocesses, Chair of EFFoST Standing Committee on Careers Development & Education, and Chairman of the annual international conference INSECTA.
SCHMITT, Susanne
is an anthropologist (PhD), artist, and facilitator. She creates contact zones between species, disciplines, and institutions. Those include minature bars for extinct insects (with Katrin Petroschkat), hacked audio guides for Natural History Museums (with choreographer Laurie Young), nail salons that raise questions about touch between species (Haptic Hortus, 2022), and excursions into millinery and its environmental histories, read through AI-powered species recognition apps ("To be of Service. Speculative millinery's tiny worlds of consequence, 2023). As a facilitator, she loves running barcamps and facilitates transdisciplinary collaborations (which she also teaches at unviversity level, e.g. at TU Munich).

Susanne was Fellow at the Research Institute for Sustainability (RIFS)/Helmholtz Center Potsdam in 2022 and 2023 and is now head of STEAM projects at the Museum für Naturkunde Bayern with BIOTOPIA Lab in Munich. www.susanneschmitt.org
graduated with a master's degree in Bioprocess Engineering from the Technical University Hamburg (TUHH) and state-certified biological technical assistant, is currently pursuing her doctorate at the Leibniz Institute for Agricultural Engineering and Bioeconomy e.V. (ATB). After acquiring skills in molecular biology, her focus is now on exploring the limits of biotechnological processes and their potential for industrial application. Driven by her passion for applied science, she enjoys working in projects that bridge the gap between research, industry, and societal impact. Her research revolves around the fermentative production of organic acids by leveraging the remarkable capabilities of microorganisms. Valuable chemical building blocks are obtained from untapped waste or residue renewable materials, contributing to the vision of a bio-based circular economy of the future.
SHAH, Meera
is an enthusiastic environmentalist and a passionate advocate for climate action. She combines experience in agricultural policy research and food systems transformation in Africa, corporate social responsibility, wildlife conservation, and climate-positive peacebuilding, to carve out new pathways for sustainable development. Having grown up in Kenya, she focuses her energy on two key challenges facing Africa: climate change and food security. Meera is the Programme Manager for Enhancing Agricultural Adaptation at the Ban Ki-moon Centre for Global Citizens, seeking to identify opportunities to mobilise more climate finance for agricultural adaptation. Previously, Meera was a Research Associate with the Malabo Montpellier Panel, based at Imperial College London where she co-authored eight policy-oriented reports on agrifood systems in Africa, specifically on digitalization, energy, livestock, trade, bioeconomy, climate finance, and women. In addition to her role at the Ban Ki-moon Centre for Global Citizens, Meera is also a Trustee for GanzAfrica, and a member of the Steering Group for Initiatives of Land, Lives, and Peace. Meera was the Corporate Relations Manager at Save the Rhino International, Office Manager at E3G – Third Generation Environmentalism, and a Researcher and Team Administrator at Accountability. Between roles, she has completed several internships at think tanks and conservation organizations including Environmental Law Foundation, Environmental Investigation Agency, Chatham House, and Global Call for Climate Action. Meera holds a Masters in Environment and Development from the University of Edinburgh and a BSc in Accounting and Finance from the University of Warwick.

STURM, Barbara
is Scientific Director at the Leibniz Institute for Agricultural Engineering and Bioeconomy (ATB) and Vice-President of the Leibniz Association. In a joint appointment, she holds the professorship "Agricultural Engineering in Bioeconomic Systems" at the Humboldt University of Berlin and she is President of the European Association of Agricultural Engineers EurAgEng and founding member of the working group on circular bioeconomy systems of the International Commission of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering CIGR.
After studying process and environmental engineering in Constance, she completed her doctorate at the University of Kassel and initially conducted research at the Newcastle Institute for Research on Sustainability at Newcastle University. In her scientific work, Barbara Sturm focusses on system approaches to resource-efficient food processing and energy and process efficiency in food processing and animal husbandry. She is focussing on innovative process control systems and the use of digital twins.
TANG, Matthias
studied politics and communications. He has worked as a journalist, was deputy press spokesman for the Green Party parliamentary group in the German Bundestag and, most recently, press spokesman for the Berlin Senate Administration for Environment, Transport and Climate Protection. Matthias joined RIFS (former IASS) in November 2018, where he heads the institute's Press & Communications unit. He is particularly fascinated by the institute's focus on co-creating transformative knowledge for a sustainable future.
WELTZIEN, Cornelia
is Head of Department “Agromechatronics” (formerly Engineering for Crop Production) and Speaker of the program area “Diversified Crop Production” at the Leibniz Institute for Agricultural Engineering and Bioeconomy (ATB, Potsdam). In a joint professorship, she holds the Chair of Agro Mechatronics at the Technical University Berlin since 2015.
After studying agricultural engineering at the University of Applied Sciences Cologne, she completed her postgraduate studies in mechanical engineering at Technical University Braunschweig in 2006. In 2008, Cornelia Weltzien received her doctorate at the Institute for Agricultural Machinery and Fluid Technology. Before joining ATB, she was part of an interdisciplinary advanced engineering team in industry, developing electro-hydraulic control systems for mobile working machinery. Her area of expertise is precision agriculture, automation of agricultural processes, smart systems, digitalization in agriculture and field robotics. In the project DAKIS, she is focusing on the development of a semi-autonomous monitoring system using drones and AI to monitor biodiversity in agricultural landscapes. She is a nationally and internationally recognized elite researcher in the field of digital agriculture.
is a geoecologist specialising in ecosystem and land use research in the terrestrial Arctic. He studied geoecology at the University of Potsdam, where he finished his PhD in geochemistry on animal-permafrost-interactions in early 2024. With a strong focus on herbivore management, he aims to develop sustainable and climate change-mitigating land use strategies in Arctic areas in a co-creative, community-based and transdisciplinary approach.